Jaadje legal umpire in kot
Jaadjement to determine
Jawb employment: I got a jawb as a teksi driva
Jentall calm or soft: as in she waas jentall with the bep-pee
Joe-begg major city in South Afica
Kaan-tree terratry: any tract of lend or dee-streek
Kah motorised vehicle
Kalass red, orange or green: kalass of skeen of different pee-pill
Kansal to postpone: as in lets kansal thet meeting
Kawse ree-son: as in she was the kawse of my downfall
Kebbijees vegatabool that grows in the guddin
Keck baked food: as in a peess of keck
Keeds chealren
Kefuul with care: as in be ke-fuul where you wok
Kendal piece of wax for benning
Kendidett pesson seeking elekshin
Kennel ummey officer
Ken-nott to express inability: as in I ken-nott do thet
Kenvis heavy cloth: as in I use a kenvis to do my penteen on
Keptown Seth Effrican seatee
Kerakta a reputation: as in he was a man of Kerakta
Kerrie to transfer: as in please kerrie thet parcel for me
Kesh legal tender; bill of exchange
Kettagry system of classification
Keved an arched line: as in the roof is keved
Kipper pesson in charge: as in goal kipper or zoo kipper
Klak an offees wecker
Kleea transparent or, free from darkness: as in it is a kleea deyi
Kleenix place for medikaal tritmaant: where nesses weck
Klevah intelligence: as in she is klevah
Klib big steek, or, as golfklib or place for pessons with like interests
Kockyne addiktif druk
Kon-sen to relate to: as in he felt strawng kon-sen for hiss cat
Konstraakshun to bild or mek a bill-ding
Kormeant a remark or, observation: as in I will now kormeant on thet
Kot legal place where jaadje sits
Kree-ashin to pru-juice; a whole universe: Gawts kree-ashin was the eth
Kreemenaals pessons thet comeats crimes
Krek to break or split: as in the wall hed a krek in it
Krekked see krek
Kriss-moss holideyi in Decembah
Kruwal pain without pity as in thet is a verry kruwal man
Kulcha the total idea of social ideas and beliefs
Kwes-chin to elicit information: as in let me ask you a kwes-chin
Kwy-at calm or weethawt noise: as in he is verry kwy-at
Lamb disabled or, without feeling: my leg feels lamb
Lawah being below: as in you must lawah it slowly into the water
Lawjeek to analyse
Layaah stratum: as in it hes a theek layaah on it
Leafed to raise
Leafted see leafed
Leavah a device for pulling
Leaved remained at: I leaved in a house
Lebba to weck: as in the lebba is always done by the weckers
Lebbaraas the weckers
Ledah steps for climbing bill-dings
Leddie a wee-man
Leeda the president or person who rules
Leekah any elkaholeek dreenk
Leffaahl even: as in thet floor is leffaahl
Lek shortage: as in a lek of information
Lem young ship: bred for wool
Lemp for lighting a room
Len to acquire knowledge
Lend a peess of grawned or, eth
Let arriving after a set time: as in I waas let for weck
Leta as in: to send a leta to a friend
Letah see let: afterwards: I will see you letah
Li-yah to tock aantroo: as in you are a li-yah
Loos free from: as in the belt is very loos
Lungwich spoken weds of a dee-streek