Taach feeling: as in thets hot, dont taach it
Taa-goat where a marksman aims
Tampracha hotness or coldness of a boddy
Tebbel a flat suface with legs: as in I sit at the tebbel to hev my dinnah
Teck gain posseshun: opposite of geave
Teechar instraakta or one who teeches
Teen-edjah a yahnng pesson
Teksi kah for hire
Tekteek a planned move
Tems conditions: as in those are my tems of biziness
Ten to rotate
Tenning Point rotate about something
Teppis hot and cold water valves
Teps solvent to thin paint
Terratry any tract of lend or dee-streek
Terririss guerrilla fighter
Tex levy to raise revenue
Thaandah a deep rumbling noise
Thest craving to drink
Thet determiner: as in thet idea waas rezzed by me
Thredt fine cord: as in there is not a thredt of evidence
Tims in sport: the group of players make up two tims
Tipic-allie characteristic
Tock to express ones thoughts
Toll to grow: as in you will bekaam toll one day
Tol-lawrense quality to endure: as in he has tol-lawrense to stend pain
Tox negotiations
Traadishun customs of the pee-pill
Traast confidence in truth: as in I traast you with my maahnie
Treenk to swallow liquid
Treffick verry great: as in it was a treffick fight to waach
Trektah a farm vehicle
Tren a passenger carrying vehicle
Trenning to exercise: as in I went to sports trenning last night
Trenspot to kerrie: as in awa trenspot is a baas
Trep any plan for tricking a pesson: I was caught in a speed trep
Tritmaant to a patient: as in I will go to the kleenix for tritmaant todeyi
Trub-bill unrest: as in he made a lot of trub-bill for me
Ufrican from the African continent
Ummey military land force
Up-peeah seem: as in they up-peeah to hev pussed us
Utha besides: the utha deyi I saw my friend
Veesitt to go or come to see a pesson or place
Vegatabool food plant
Venn a motorised vehicle: in order to transport goods
Verry to add emphasis
Vil-laaje a small group of shex
Vishun to see or to see fetha ahead
Vott an opinion of the pee-pill at the ballot box